Coffee Can Affect Kidney Health

Although many studies suggest that drinking coffee regularly can give you many health benefits, health experts say that there is a possible negative impact on kidney organs if we consume too much.

What is the negative impact of Coffee on Kidney?

It has been long since oxalate content in coffee is considered as a trigger health problems in the kidney. Oxalate content in coffee is associated with calcium oxalate, one of the triggers of kidney stone problems which are very painful.

A study conducted in 2004 mentions if we regularly drink at least two cups of coffee a day, then the level of calcium in the urine also increased dramatically.

However, this increase only occurs in those who have had a history of kidney stones.

Professor Chris Eden from Royal Surrey County Hospital says that the caffeine content in coffee is believed to have diuretic properties.

Diuretic a condition in which coffee can affect the process of fluid absorption in the blood and ultimately affect kidney health and function.

However, this also applies only to those who have problems with kidney function, not those who are healthy.

Even so, prof. Eden believes if the consumption of coffee in large quantities and in the long run can make kidney problem becomes worse.

Although coffee can contribute some negative effect on the health condition and function of kidney, health experts says if not consumed excessively, coffee will not create health problems that are harmful to the kidneys.

Only, if we do have kidney problem, including kidney stones, it's good if we lower our daily coffee intake to prevent our kidney problem getting worse.


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