These Kidney Failure Symptoms Are Often Ignored

One of the most dangerous diseases that can trigger death is kidney failure. Often, people with kidney failure are less able to detect early symptoms of this health problem.

Health experts  mention that some symptoms of kidney failure is still often ignored by many people.

Here are some kidney failure symptoms which are often ignored:

Prolonged tiredness
Disorders of the kidneys will cause the body to have more toxins. This will have an impact on our body so that we will constantly feel tired despite a lot of rest. This can also affect the decreased thr quality of sleep. In some cases, patients with chronic renal failure, they even have sleep apnea and increase the risk of obesity.

Dry skin
In addition to filtering blood and various toxins in the body, the kidneys also help the  formation of red blood cells and control the levels of minerals in the body. If the performance of the kidneys is disturbed, the mineral content becomes uncontrollable and eventually leads to dry skin problems.

Frequent urination at night
If the frequency of urination increases at night, this may be caused by a disorder of the kidneys. These symptoms can also be a sign of infection problems or prostate disorders in men.

Foamy urine
Impaired kidney performance will cause foamy urine. The presence of this foam is a sign of protein that comes out in the urine.

Swollen eyes
If our eyes swell, then this could be a sign of high levels of protein in the body caused by disorders of the kidneys. In addition to the eyes, a swollen ankle can also be a sign of kidney failure.

Bitter sensation in the mouth
If our mouth always tastes bitter like sensing iron, then this may indicates the early symptoms of kidney disease.

Try to see if you have these symptoms and cleanse your kidneys right away if you do. Here's a good video showing how and why we should take care of our kidney.


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