True or Not :: Long Term Drug Consumption Can Damage Kidneys?

There are some people who are less fortunate and has some health problem so they have to live with taking drugs regularly in the long term or even lifetime.

For example, people with diabetes or high blood pressure problems should take their medications regularly to prevent more dangerous health problems.

Because of continuous consumption of drugs, people with diabetes and hypertension is also worried if this can make their kidneys damaged.

Is long-term drug consumption bad for kidney health?

Health expert dr. Dharmeizar, Chairman of the Association of Nephrology Indonesia, said that the myth of long-term drug consumption can damage our kidney is not always true.

According to him, if we just let the condition of blood sugar or blood pressure uncontrollably in the body and we do not treat it, then this is what actually triggers the damage to our kidneys.

Diabetes or hypertension drugs have been made in such a way as to be able to protect the kidneys from damage. Do not consume them if you do not have diabetes or hypertension problem though.

However, he also did not deny if there are several types of drugs that have adverse effects for kidney health, such as rheumatic and painkillers drugs.

It is for this reason that drugs should always be taken with the right doses and after consultation with health expert, especially in the long run.

For information, many people suffer from kidney damage in the form of chronic kidney disease or more commonly known as kidney failure.

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Usually, patients with kidney failure requires dialysis or hemodialysis because the kidney is no longer able to work effectively.

Therefore people with diabetes or high blood pressure should routinely consume their medication in order to prevent this from happening.

Meanwhile, for other medicines, we should be careful and consult a doctor first before taking it to prevent kidney problems.


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