Beware of Kidney Cancer Symptoms

Kidneys are organs of the body that have an extraordinary role for our health. These organs serves as a poison filter, blood health catalyst, major role in producing urine, producing several types of hormones to help the digestion  and to support the spinal cord to produce red blood cells.

Unfortunately, poor lifestyle can make kidneys work much harder and are in high risk of various diseases such as kidney cancer. Kidney cancer is included in top 10 cancer that is common in adults nowadays.

What are the symptoms of kidney cancer?

Bloody urine
The most common symptom of kidney cancer is urine which is accompanied by blood. Usually this blood color looks fresh and bright though in some cases blood can also look darker. Darker bloody urine means more blood is pass with the urine, and it may indicate more severe condition.

Back pain
If your back feels pain with sensation like excessive pressure, then it's good sign that we need to be wary of kidney cancer. However, according to dr Jihad Kaouk of the Cleveland Clinic USA, in the early stages, this cancer usually does not show any symptoms. Therefore if this back pain comes, it could be a sign that the tumors mass are already large enough to suppress the part around the kidney that triggers the pain in the back.

Lethargic Body
If the body continues to feel lethargic without known cause and accompanied by both symptoms mentioned earlier, then we may have kidney cancer and should be immediately checked to the doctor.

Drastic weight loss
If the kidneys have health problems, then the absorption of nutrients from food and also the body's metabolism system will be disrupted. Not only it makes weight drop dramatically, it can also cause our appetite to disappear.

Having a blood disorder
Anemia, unbalanced calcium levels, and other blood problems are common symptoms of kidney cancer that should be seen by doctor immediately.

Read Also:
True or Not :: Long Term Drug Consumption Can Damage Kidneys?
Is It True that Foamy and Brown Colored Urine Indicate Health Problems?
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